Contributor Guidelines

We’re hopeful that you’ll find value in using along with your existing tools to manage your infrastructure. We’re also hopeful that you’ll find ways to help contribute. Either through finding and reporting bugs, providing new features, or even getting your hands dirty and contributing some code or docs. However you feel comfortable contributing, we offer a few helpful guidelines to make it that much easier.

Note that is built on SaltStack, and we believe that its community will find useful. As such, we’re trying to stay close to the conventions and guidelines they’ve adopted to make it easier for folks in that community to help out – and we’ve borrowed from the SaltStack Development guide :)

Filing issues and feature requests

The process for filing issues and feature requests is described in the Contact Information page.

Contributing Code

Since we’re using Github, the recommended workflow for fixing bugs, adding features, or modifying documentation is to fork and submit pull requests. The process is pretty straightforward, but if you’re unfamiliar with Github, take some time to browse through Github’s Help.

In a nutshell, we’ll need you to:

  • fork the project into your personal account [Tutorial]

  • make the necessary changes to the code/docs and issue a pull request. [Tutorial]

  • keep your local fork in sync with the parent repository to minimize the chance of merge conflicts. [Tutorial]

  • and, if you’re working on multiple things or your changes are going to be somewhat large, it’s generally recommended to create a branch for each piece of work you’re doing. [Tutorial]

    NOTE: SaltStack has a great guide on how to work within their project and it mostly applies to as well

Pull request guidelines



Contribution to requires a CLA before pull requests will be merged. This is currently handled manually by the repo admins, but may be handled by a bot in the future.

Branch naming

The branch name that the pull request originates from should start with either feature/ or bugfix/, depending on its contents. The rest of the branch name should describe the contents of the patch, preferably by being an Issue#. Issue#’s are required for bugfix/ branches.

Code style and quality


PEP8 compatibility

All pull requests must meet PEP8 / pylint compatibility or a good reason not to follow it.


Pull requests will be easier to review and understand if they contain automated tests for the functionality changed. As such, pull requests with tests are more likely to be accepted more quickly.