LDAP Guide


Under the hood, we use django-auth-ldap for all our interaction with an LDAP server. It’s a very useful library that allows us to integrate with LDAP in just a few lines of configuration.

LDAP and stackd.io

If you’d like to integrate with LDAP, you must install the ldap extra and add an ldap section to the stackdio.yaml file (usually located at /etc/stackdio/stackdio.yaml or $HOME/.stackdio/stackdio.yaml).

To install the ldap extra:

pip install stackdio-server[ldap]

An example configuration is shown below.

The example contains most of the relevant bits you may want to use, but we defer anything deeper to the django-auth-ldap documentation.

Any key / value pair that appears in the ldap section of the config file will be uppercased and appended to AUTH_LDAP_ before being placed in the config file. For example, having server_uri: ldaps://example.com in your stackdio config file will translate to the django-auth-ldap config of AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI = 'ldaps://example.com'.


If you’re using the packer-built AMI described in Using the Amazon AMI, your stackdio.yaml is located at /etc/stackdio/stackdio.yaml.

# Optional LDAP configurations
# To be appended to your stackdio.yaml file.

  # This must be set to true for anything below to take effect
  enabled: true

  # The url of your server (can be a comma-separated list of servers)
  server_uri: ldaps://ldap.example.com

  # Should we bind to LDAP as the user trying to login?
  bind_as_authenticating_user: false

  # if bind_as_authenticating_user is false, provide the bind user credentials
  bind_dn: 'uid=binduser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'
  bind_password: my_password

  # Should groups in ldap be mirrored to django groups in the database?
  mirror_groups: true

  # Deny login if a valid LDAP user isn't in this list of groups
  #  - 'cn=mygroup,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'

  # The search parameters for users.
  #   The result of a search using these parameters should return EXACTLY ONE
  #   user for this to work properly.
  user_search_base: 'ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'
  user_search_scope: SCOPE_SUBTREE
  user_search_filter: '(&(objectClass=Person)(uid=%(user)s))'

  # The search parameters for groups.
  #   The result of a search using these parameters should return an exhaustive list
  #   of groups you would like to make available.
  group_search_base: 'ou=Group,dc=eample,dc=com'
  group_search_scope: SCOPE_SUBTREE
  #group_search_filter: '(objectClass=*)'

  # The type of the ldap groups
  group_type: GroupOfNamesType

  # A map from django user object attributes to the associated attributes in LDAP
    first_name: givenName
    last_name: sn
    email: mail

  # A map that associates boolean user flags to LDAP groups
  # i.e. if an LDAP user is in the specified LDAP group, the specified user flag is set to 'True'
    is_superuser: 'cn=admin,ou=Group,dc=example,dc=com'
    is_staff: 'cn=admin,ou=Group,dc=example,dc=com'

  # Any connection options you need